( Since 1996 )

Welcome! Below are some pictures of my current amateur radio gear. There may be more information and more pictures here in the future. Right now, just keeping this as a simple static page. Browse like it is 1999 again! :) Check out my QRZ Logbook to see my HF contacts.

My HF vertical antenna (pictured configured for 20m):

SuperAntenna MP1 on tripod
This is a SuperAntenna MP1DX. My other HF antenna is an End-Fed Random Wire tied along the top of the PVC fence shown in the above picture.

My HF SDR transceiver and old laptop:

HobbyPCB RS-HFIQ daytime

On the right is a HobbyPCB RS-HFIQ 80m-10m All Mode SDR. It is connected via LMR-400 to the MP1DX antenna. Also pictured is the SoundBlaster X-Fi Pro needed for the SDR along with my USB Microphone which I don't use anymore. The Pyramid power supply isn't in use anymore because it needs to be repaired. It has been replaced by an Alinco DM-330MVT.

All the SDR equipment, antenna and tripod ready to be packed up:

All equipment packed up

My (tr)uSDX which covers 80M-20M:

Orange (tr)uSDX in my handOrange (tr)uSDX powered on, connected to antenna and headphones

I also have a Kenwood TS-480SAT (my main HF rig), TH-F6A (my main HT) and TM-G707A (currently not in use). For P25 I have a Motorola XTS 2500I.

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All images and content Copyright © KF4HZU